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2019 Reflections: Answered Prayers & Many Praises


Updated: Aug 18, 2023

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20

“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1

“All that we have accomplished, He has done for us.” Is 26:12b

2019 was full of blessing! The above verses beautifully express our first year as One Hundred Shares Birmingham. We began January 1, 2019 with 45 partners. As of October 29, the date of our Fall Luncheon, our number had grown to 115. What does this mean? By God’s abundant provision and through your generosity, we gave away $107,000 to our first ever grant recipients! This is truly amazing. The Lord answered our prayers above and beyond!!

As a result, we were able to grant $75,000 to Oak Tree Ministries to purchase the home they have been renting near the Marks Village housing project. This home allows Oak Tree Ministries to minister to 150 children from a location directly across the street, within walking distance for each of the children! The little white house many of us visited will continue to be a beacon of light!

We were also able to grant $32,000 to Is Able Ministries to update their computer lab and enable adaptive equipment to be purchased for the blind. This grant money will allow the physically handicapped to develop job skills which gives greater purpose and hope. This is money which says to an often overlooked and forgotten population, “You matter. We see you. But more importantly, Jesus sees you, and His heart is filled with love for you.” God is “El Roi”, the God who sees. (Genesis 16:13).

Not only were we able to grant $107,000 to these two ministries, but many of you have volunteered your time and given money above and beyond to these ministries and to our other finalists, The Wellhouse and Grace House Ministries. Visiting and seeing these ministries face to face have sealed their places in our hearts and minds.

Though 2019 was an incredible year for us, 2020 has the potential to be even better! Since our luncheon we have increased our partnership to 123! February 1 is our deadline for 2020 grant applications. Please share with your ministry friends regarding this opportunity. All grant information is on the website. In late March/early April we will host our Spring Coffee and hear from our 2020 grant finalists. This is a perfect opportunity to invite your friends who would be interested in joining our partnership! Imagine what it would be like if we doubled our number and gave away $200,000 in 2020? Whatever the Lord has for us as a group, let’s move forward in faith and hope!

Blessings, Amy Tankersley OHSB Board Chair January, 2020




One Hundred Shares Birmingham
3179 Green Valley Road #104
Birmingham, Alabama 35243


For questions or comments, please email us at: 

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One Hundred Shares Birmingham (OHSB) is a 501(c)(3) organization formed in 2018, affiliated with the National Christian Foundation to hold and distribute funds. Our desire is for a partnership comprised of 100-plus Birmingham women who agree to donate $1,000 to the organization each year for a minimum of five (5) years. Annually, the grant monies are awarded to non-profit Birmingham-based Christian ministries who serve those in need and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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